The Government has issued guidance surrounding public procurement ahead of the UK’s exit from the European Union at the end of the transition period on December 31st.
The guidance sets out several key points explaining how public procurement is due to change at the end of the transition period.
- Find a Tender will go live at the end of the transition period (23:00 on 31 December 2020).
- Procurements on OJEU/TED that were commenced prior to the end of the transition period must be concluded on OJEU/TED.
- New procurements commenced after the end of the Transition Period must be advertised on Find a Tender.
- Requirements to advertise on Contracts Finder, MOD Defence Contracts Online, Public Contracts Scotland, Sell2Wales and eTendersNI remain unchanged.
- If you currently use an eSender to publish you should be able to continue using them to publish to FTS provided they have completed integration work. The following e-Senders have completed testing and are already parallel publishing to FTS:
- Adam
- BiP Solutions
- European Dynamics
- Proactis Tenders Ltd (part of Proactis)
- Proactis