Consultation indicates single question for Scottish independence
The UK government is set to publish the responses to its consultation on Scotland’s independence referendum. The consultation closed in March, and received nearly 3,000 replies.
Results showed strong support for a single, clear question on independence, ministers said. The Scottish government’s consultation ended last week, with over 21,000 responses.
Scottish secretary Michael Moore reiterated his call for talks with first minister Alex Salmond to resume as soon as possible. He said: “There is plenty to discuss and plenty of scope for agreement.
“So I hope that the first minister will agree to my proposal last week that we resume talks to deliver the legal, fair and decisive referendum that is in all ofScotland's interests.
“We’ve always said that the referendum should be sooner rather than later, and it's strange that the first minister would want to delay the referendum that he's spent his professional life working towards.”
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