Worcestershire County Council are to discuss plans to increase their portion of Council Tax by 2.5% in the coming year to plug the £26.5m funding gap that awaits in 2021.
The increase will amount to approximately £5m extra for the Council to use towards its budget.
This would equate to a £33 increase for the average band d household in the area, providing that other parts of tax aren’t increased.
Three-quarters of the funding gap, that has been brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, is due to adult social care, which has seen a heavy increase since the lockdown began in March.
£9m will be covered by the Government’s Covid recovery fund being supplied to Local Authorities over the next year to make up for almost a full year of reduced revenue and increased costs.
An additional £3m from Worcestershire’s reserves will be used as well as an extra £2.4m from business rates.
The Council will meet tomorrow (Jan 7) to discuss the proposals before putting it a public consultation alongside its £355m budget for the upcoming year.