Wandsworth Council is continuing to make significant progress in increasing its electric vehicle (EV) charging point infrastructure throughout the borough with the installation of on-street charge points owned and operated by Liberty Charge and delivered using their sister company Virgin Media O2.
The council began rolling out the infrastructure in 2021 across 26 sites, ten of which are already live.
These latest installations will see the total number of sites increase to 35, comprising 65 dual socket EV charge points able to charge 130 vehicles at any one time.
The sites in Wandsworth have been agreed after consultation with residents throughout the technology roll out.
The council chose Liberty Charge to add to the existing mix of charge point options as they are specialists in delivering fully funded charge points for residents without a means of privately charging their EV, and the charge points provide a 22 kWh charge which is faster than other street charge points.
Liberty Charge will own, operate and maintain the charge points, without requiring any local taxpayer support.
The continued installation of the EV charge point network comes in support of the UK Government’s target to ensure a transition from fossil fuels to electric power by 2030, when the sale of new diesel and petrol cars will be banned.
The adoption of further EV infrastructure is also helping to deliver Wandsworth’s Environment and Sustainability Strategy, to create an environmentally friendly borough.
This strategy includes key milestones to be met over the next eight years, from the increase in intelligent urban greening, to banning diesel cars from the council office estate.
Councillor Kim Caddy, Deputy Leader of the council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Climate Sustainability, says the increase in EV charging infrastructure is a crucial element in achieving the council’s environmental goals:
“Increasing the availability of charging points is a significant step to creating a greener borough.
“We want to not only increase the number of available charge points but to ensure that a charge point is easily accessible to all our residents.
"That’s why we consult closely with local residents on identifying locations."
Over the past year, EV take up in the borough increased by just under 1,000 vehicles.
The increase in infrastructure will support and encourage EV adoption across the borough.
Councillor Caddy says:
“As more charge points have been installed, so too has the take up of EVs across the community.
"By further expanding our infrastructure, we are encouraging those in the community who have to drive to drive electric.
“All of the installation, power and maintenance costs, as well as logistics are managed and met by Liberty Charge.
"The council provides support in helping to identify locations and granting the necessary approvals, but these charge points do not place a future burden on council taxpayers."
Neil Isaacson, Liberty Charge CEO, explains the significance of Wandsworth Council’s installations:
“We’re proud to be supporting Wandsworth, especially with the 2030 deadline in our sights.
"The support of our strategic delivery partner Virgin Media O2, means that we have the resources and the capability to get the infrastructure in place quickly and efficiently and, in so doing, encouraging the switch from petrol and diesel vehicles to EVs.’’
For further information about Liberty Charge, you can find out more at https://libertycharge.co.uk and for charging options available in Wandsworth go to Zap-Map.