The Welsh and Irish Governments are working together on safeguarding and building on the links between the two countries across the Irish Sea, the two governments have announced.
Wales’ Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales Ken Skates and Irish Government Minister of State for International & Road Transport, Logistics, Rail & Ports Sean Canney met today in Dublin to discuss the resilience of the crossings between Wales and Ireland, and what more can be done to safeguard them for the future.
They discussed the terms of reference for the Taskforce which are due to be confirmed shortly. Key points will include resilience, contingency planning and future developments.
Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales Ken Skates said:
“The links between Wales and Ireland are highly valued, not only for economic reasons but for cultural reasons too.”
“The temporary closure of the port of Holyhead highlighted to all how vital this link between our countries is. We will build on what has been learnt over the past few months, taking into account the work committees of the Senedd and Parliament are undertaking, to see what we can all do to strengthen the resilience of the links between Wales and Ireland and our ports for the future.
“It is important the input of Irish Government and industry is in the work of the taskforce and represents their needs too, which has been the main focus of today. I look forward to continuing to work together on this vital piece of work.”
Minister of State for International & Road Transport, Logistics, Rail & Ports Sean Canney said:
“I am delighted to have met with Cabinet Secretary Ken Skates today, to further cement the strong relationship built up between our Governments during the disruption to Holyhead port. I welcome the establishment of the Welsh Task Force to examine how to ensure the resilience of the vital trade route between Dublin and Holyhead into the future. As Minister with responsibility for International & Road Transport, Logistics, Rail & Ports, I am committed to contributing to the important work of the Welsh task force over the coming months. This will ensure Ireland’s interests are set out and understood, and help frame recommendations in securing this crucial economic link.”
Image credit: Welsh Government