A team of ten experts have been appointed by the Mayor of London to lead the improvement of public spaces across London, as part of a new pilot scheme.
The project, named the Town Architects Programme, will support growth and better-designed public spaces across the capital thanks to the two-year pilot that comes as part of the Mayor’s Local Growth Capacity Support Programme. Worth £1.25 million, the programme will drive the creation of safe, inclusive and sustainable neighbourhoods, whilst ensuring that boroughs can properly utilise the skills of planners and architects.
By increasing the capacity for planning within local boroughs, the Town Architects have been selected from a diverse panel of advocates that will support the Mayor’s vision for growth, whilst ensuring that all Londoners can be supported by new buildings and public spaces. The architects also hold a range of skills across areas including master planning, high streets, public realm, architecture, and design quality management.
Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and the Fire Service, Jules Pipe, said:
“We are pleased to be launching this pilot scheme to promote the future development of key areas in the capital.
“By drawing on the expertise of the Mayor’s Design Advocates, local boroughs will have the expertise and support they need to boost design quality to improve their high streets and public spaces and promote positive neighbourhood placemaking, helping to build a better and more sustainable London for everyone.”
The architects that will work across the different London Boroughs are:

Suzanne Johnstone, Hackney Council’s Interim Director for Economy, Regeneration and New Homes, also commented:
"We are delighted to be working with Holly Lewis in her role as Hackney's new Town Architect. We're passionate about the need for good design in our built environment.
"Whether it’s promoting high quality buildings and public spaces or ensuring that Hackney Central is inclusive and easy to get around, Holly's considerable expertise will complement the Council's own in-house design expertise, to make sure Hackney's buildings and public spaces work for everyone."
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