A new Sustainable Economy Strategy and Action Plan has been approved by Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC), in order to support sustainable economic growth in the area.
The Council met on the 27th April (Thursday) to formally adopt the strategy, which gives a plan of how the Mid Sussex area than can develop in sustainable way, providing economic growth without compromising protection for the environment. A carbon net zero plan to tackle climate change locally will also be established by the Council.
MSDC will deliver sustainable infrastructure, including working with West Sussex County Council to increase the number of charging points for electric vehicles across the district and promote sustainable travel options, including green travel plans. Wireless and fibre technology will also be rolled out to support residents, public service, charities and economic activity to significantly improve digital infrastructure with Mid Sussex, whilst land management and new developments will demonstrate increasing biodiversity.
Councillor Jonathan Ash-Edwards, the leader of Mid Sussex District Council said:
“The UK Government has committed to becoming carbon net zero by 2050 and this strategy commits Mid Sussex to net zero as well. Climate change is a big challenge for all of us and every Council around the country has an important role to play. Our new Sustainable Economy Strategy will help to tackle this challenge by ensuring economic growth is sustainable and attracting investment that recognises the uniqueness of our environment whilst improving the prospects of our residents.”
Councillor Ash-Edwards also discussed spoke about the recent economic growth in the area, as well as its decreasing carbon footprint:
“In recent years in Mid Sussex, our economy has grown at the same time as carbon emissions have fallen and so we know these can continue to go hand in hand.
Our vision for Mid Sussex is to support businesses in reducing their carbon emissions, encourage business start-ups, promote sustainable business practices, develop digital infrastructure, enhance biodiversity and support the development of vibrant town and village centres that meet local residents’ needs and which can be accessed easily on foot or by bike.”
A Social Value and Sustainability Charter will also be adopted by the Council in order to ensure a commitment to support economic, environmental and social improvements from its suppliers and contractors.