The Scottish Government has announced a range of measures that will help make sure that people seeking asylum are further supported as they settle into their new communities.
Coming through the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: Delivery Plan 2024-2026, which was developed by the Scottish Government, the Scottish Refugee Council and COSLA, measures such as work commitments, English language provision and effective service coordination are being offered to help refugees and asylum seekers that are new to Scotland.
The plan builds on the approach that was established in March and draws on more than 2,000 community consultation responses from those who have resettled and found refuge in Scotland. Alongside the development of the plan, the Scottish Government is also committing £3.6 million of investment for the Scottish Refugee Council’s Refugee Support Service.
The overall aim of the strategy will be to ensure that those who are resettling in Scotland have a good understanding of their rights, responsibilities, and their entitlements.

Kaukab Stewart, Scottish Equalities Minister, said:
“Scotland has a proud history of welcoming those fleeing war and persecution, and we are dedicated to helping them integrate into communities from the day they arrive.
“It is vital that we support refugees and people seeking asylum to understand their rights and access employment and services to help them to rebuild their lives in Scotland.
“This plan, which was informed by engagement with those with experience of seeking refuge and settling in Scotland, as well as those with expertise in supporting them, lays out the steps we will take to support refugees and people seeking asylum to integrate across different parts of society. It also recognises the role communities and employers can actively play in supporting people.”
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