Sheffield City Council has confirmed that, over the summer, two new levelling up bids were submitted in the hopes that community facilities and development will follow.
The first bid saw the council requesting over £17 million worth of funding to support development in the Heeley area. Access to resources, education spaces and improved community facilities is key to this bid, with the project being built around:
- Completion of the restoration of former Anns Grove School
- Completion of Ash Tree Yard restoration
- Improved access for all
- Refurbishment off community facilities and creation of a new community garden
- Creation of state-of-the-art primary care network hub and social prescribing centre
- Restoration and regeneration of Meersbrook Hall
The second bid features ‘ambitious’ plans for Parkwood Springs with over £19 million being submitted. Due to the area being underutilised since a fire in 2012, the funding is intended to get going with plans to create a Country Park inside the city. This project would see:
- Improved access to Parkwood Springs
- Site clearance, clean up and enabling works
- Investment in trails and wayfinding
Co-Chair of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee, Cllr Mazher Iqbal, said:
“The latest round of Levelling Up bid submissions are extremely exciting and we hope we secure the funding in order to achieve our ambitious plans for our city. The buds promise to improve Sheffield’s offer to its residents, with state-of-the-art facilities, restoration of buildings steeped in history and a large and vibrant green space. We hope to build on the fantastic work our communities have put into these areas. However, regardless of the outcome, we remain committed to improving the lives of residents across Sheffield, in all areas off their lives.”