Councils in Scotland are being given an extra £16m by the Scottish Government to help tackle homelessness by moving people swiftly from temporary accommodation into settled homes.
The funding, to be awarded over the next two financial years, takes the total Scottish Government investment in rapid rehousing to £53.5m.
Rapid rehousing aims to ensure people spend the shortest amount of time possible in temporary accommodation, giving them a settled place to live as soon as appropriate.
The package includes an investment of £6.5m in the Housing First Pathfinder to support people with multiple and complex needs.
Commenting, the Scottish Government’s Housing Secretary, Shona Robison said:
“Tackling homelessness is about much more than just providing a bed for the night. Temporary accommodation is an important safety net, but most people need a settled place to stay where they can rebuild their lives.
“Rapid rehousing is based around the idea that most people need a settled home and this new funding will help councils progress their Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans to move people as quickly as possible into appropriate, settled accommodation.
“The best way to reduce the number of households in temporary accommodation is to prevent homelessness from happening in the first place and today’s announcement follows the recent publication of our consultation on plans for new legal duties on public bodies, highlighting the shared public responsibility to prevent homelessness in Scotland.”
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