Efforts to tackle climate change are being given a boost in Salford as more than 1,500 solar panels have started to be installed and will be in use by the autumn.
Salford City Council will receive £5m government funding through public body Salix Finance to upgrade the energy efficiency of the city’s public buildings and this will help the city reach its carbon neutrality target by 2038, as well as create new jobs.
It is part of £78m of funding for Greater Manchester to support energy efficiency upgrades to more than 150 public buildings across the city region.
The council will spend £647,828 of the fund to install 1,542 solar panels on 11 council buildings, including leisure centres, children’s homes and park buildings.
Commenting, Salford City Council’s Lead Member for Planning and Sustainable Development, Councillor Mike McCusker said:
“We’re delighted more solar panels will soon be up and ready in Salford to help the council increase renewable energy in the city and cut our carbon emissions.
“This is just one part of our commitment to tackle climate change and be carbon neutral by 2038. This is a serious issue and we are determined to do what we can to make a real difference.”
The funding was the result of a successful bid from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and 15 other partners to the government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.
This scheme is in line with the ambitions of GMCA’s Five-Year Environment Plan.
Salford has put forward 11 solar panel projects and 12 air source heat pump systems as part of decarbonisation of the public buildings and the installation of panels will contribute to the Greater Manchester target to install 45MW of renewable power to the National Grid.
The installation of the heat pumps will decarbonise the heating systems in the 12 buildings, which will result in carbon savings and improved energy efficiency.
It is expected that the panels will generate 477,390kWh of energy each year, with total carbon savings of 120 tonnes and savings of £67,305 in the first year they are in use.
The council reviewed its properties and selected buildings most suitable for the funding and type of installation.
PSE will be hosting a Public Sector Decarbonisation event on 9 September. Join us for the full day event by registering here.