As the National Health Service prepared to go through one of the most seismic shifts its recent history by introducing Integrated Care Systems (ICS) later this year, the public sector will have much more influence on health determinants and will be required to work much more closely with healthcare to provide better quality care, livelihoods, and environments for their residents.
The challenge faced by everybody that will be switching to ICS is complex and multifaceted and the skills required may not be available in the public sector in every location around the country, however there are already integrating systems, data and processes that are already in place and these don’t necessarily need to change as they are relevant to the service and line of care at that time.
This poses the question: how do you widen and improve the adoption of this service to a larger community?
ServiceNow seem to have the answer thanks to their being able to introduce workflow, automation and integration into systems of action, record and online services in order to provide faster outcomes.
Andy Collard, Senior Enterprise Account Executive at ServiceNow, told us:
“Modern technology solutions like those offered by ServiceNow are designed to connect and streamline data from a variety of sources, acting as a digital front door in an easy-to-use platform. It is so empowering to be able to demonstrate citizen and patient outcomes, a passionate drive within the NHS is attracting talent into the care systems and ServiceNow, alongside partners, are helping reduce the onboarding strain whilst improving the experience for new hires.
By connecting systems, removing points of manual failure and processes, we are halving the time to bring in people who are looking to make a difference.
This view of a digital front door allows citizens, admin teams, healthcare professionals and social care providers to see all data, in one place, and use it to form actionable insights proactively, identifying, and pre-empting problem areas. In working together, allowing them to not only plan for the future, but to realise it faster.”
Those within healthcare and the public sector will not be new to the idea of having to adopt big changes in a short timeframe, an example being at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The introduction of NHS Track and Trace was required to implement and scale digital platforms at speed and, despite some bumps in the road, it was largely successful.
Another example is the introduction of the Scottish vaccination programme, which was delivered by ServiceNow within six weeks. Inside the first 14 weeks, 2.5 million vulnerably citizens across Scotland had been vaccinated against Covid-19.
Andy added:
“Going forward, the key to collaboration and integration will be through increasing the delivery of digital services, both to civil servants, to enable them to be more productive and empowered, as well as to citizens, bringing that consumer experience to more traditional tasks such as renewing your passport or paying your council tax.”
This move to introduce ICSs is no doubt going to change the way that health care is delivery across the public sector, however it can be seen as a good opportunity to revolutionise care delivery in this country. Public care providers partnering with external organisations will not only help increase the skillset of the people using the ICSs, but also increase the speed at which these services can be delivered, assisting with the roll out and, in turn, success.
Check out the full ServiceNow white paper here:
To find out how ServiceNow can support integration and enable digital transformation in your organisation, please call freephone UK: 0800 640 8049, or visit