The Welsh Government has revealed that a four-way partnership has helped transform a former care home in the heart of Merthyr Tydfil into temporary accommodation fighting homelessness.
South Wales’ Marsh House now has 11 units of supported youth homelessness accommodation, 22 units of temporary accommodation, and a community hub-drop in facility.
The Welsh Government says it will serve as a homelessness assessment and triage centre, delivering interventions for those needing temporary respite in a crisis.
The transformation is as a result of a partnership between:
- Welsh Government
- Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
- Merthyr Valleys Homes
- Pobl Group
More than £1m of investment through the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme, alongside core capital funding from the local county borough council has supported the refurbishment.
Extra funding through the Housing Support Grant will enable Merthyr Valley Homes to continue work in the South Wales region.

The country’s cabinet secretary for housing, local government and planning, Julie James, recently visited Marsh House.
“The Marsh House project promotes the restoration of key buildings in our town centres as well as providing vital temporary accommodation, supported living and tailored in-house service provisions to local residents,” said James.
“The fantastic work being undertaken at Marsh House demonstrates that by working together in partnership we can help support our communities when they need us most.”
Other features at Marsh House include communal kitchens, lounges, games and TV rooms, staff accommodation, outdoor wellbeing spaces, and active travel provisions.
James continued: “Homelessness cannot be prevented through housing alone and we have long recognised that all public services and the third sector have a role to play in ending it.
"Everyone deserves to have somewhere to call home and I would very much like to see this project’s approach replicated in other areas facing similar challenges.”
Homes and homelessness will be the subject of an exclusive online conference hosted by Public Sector Executive later this year — register here to learn more.
Image credit: Welsh Government