Dacorum Borough Council in Hertfordshire has received full planning approval to build 58 new homes for social rent in Hemel Hempstead.
58 apartments, called Mountbatten View, will be located in three buildings near Hemel Hempstead town centre and will have high levels of thermal insulation, with heating provided by communal air source heat pumps.
The design of the development encourages pedestrian access and provides a variety of spaces for community use.
This includes a formal central garden, play area for families, secure cycle stores and parking courtyards planted with trees, while there will also be electric vehicle charging facilities on-site.
Consist of 25 one bedroom and 33 two bedroom apartments, the development includes wheelchair accessible homes.
They have been designed in accordance with Homes England and to nationally described space standards within an inclusive environment that is adaptable to the changing demands of residents.
All the homes will be available for social rent through the council’s housing register and Dacorum Borough Council plan to start work on the development in early 2022.