The Welsh Government has announced an injection of an extra £10 million to accelerate the development of new affordable housing schemes across Wales.
This significant investment is part of a wider package aimed at delivering more homes for the Welsh population, aligning with the Government's key priorities.
A total of 16 housing schemes have been earmarked for immediate commencement, with the additional funding expected to deliver 238 new homes. These schemes are strategically chosen to ensure quick start and efficient progression, addressing the urgent need for affordable housing in the region.
Welsh Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government, Jayne Bryant, said:
“I am delighted that we have secured this additional in-year funding to invest in good quality affordable housing, providing opportunity for individuals and families across Wales.
“We know that investing in social housing reduces poverty, improves health and helps drive economic growth and I recognise the need for the delivery of more homes now and into the future.
“This is why I'm also making the additional budget awarded in 2025-26 available to be used across both the Social Housing Grant and Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme.”

The £10 million boost is just one component of a broader financial strategy. The funds will be utilised to acquire properties and land, setting the groundwork for developing and completing new homes. This initiative complements the ongoing efforts to enhance housing accessibility for Welsh residents.
Looking ahead, the Welsh Government has allocated a further £30 million from the Social Housing Grant in the 2025-26 Budget to support these schemes. This funding will play a crucial role in achieving the Government's ambitious target of delivering 20,000 new low carbon social homes for rent in the social sector during this Senedd term. It will also support homes approved and commenced in 2025-26, ensuring their completion in the subsequent Senedd term.
The funding will not only provide more homes but also contribute to community development, creating job opportunities and stimulating local economies. The emphasis on low carbon homes aligns with the Government's sustainability goals, promoting greener living environments.
This new wave of investment from the Welsh Government marks a significant milestone in the journey towards enhancing housing affordability and sustainability in Wales. With a clear roadmap and dedicated funding, the vision of a better-housed Wales is becoming a reality.
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