District council gets green light to build first zero carbon affordable homes
Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) has the green light to build the first zero carbon affordable homes in the district.
Plans to build up to 50 zero carbon homes over across a number of sites have had funding approved, with onsite renewable heat and energy and high levels of insulations to be incorporated.
The council’s policy to support the climate emergency and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 is upheld by this investment, and supports council ambitions to build 1000 new council homes over the next 30 years.
The Zero Carbon Affordable Homes pilot scheme will offer carbon neutrality and sustainable energy in the production, occupation and repair of the homes and will help to pave the way for a zero carbon blueprint for future schemes in the region.
Cllr Fran Smith Executive Member for Housing said:
“I’m proud that we are building our own stock of affordable properties in the district and I am delighted that this pilot project has been approved so we can produce more great homes that are truly affordable to those in housing need and require little energy to heat giving additional cost savings to the tenant.
“This approach adopted by the Council is very ambitious reflecting our commitment to create new sustainable developments with a mix of modern, energy efficient homes.”
The first of the homes are set to be complete by summer 2021, with construction continuing through to the end of 2022.
In collaboration with neighbouring district councils and Somerset County Council, SWT is producing a Climate Emergency Strategy, to be published later this year.
LISTEN: Ep. 21 - Isle of Wight fighting Covid-19 with the digital edge - Cllr Dave Stewart