Welsh government grants council £300,000 to reduce homelessness
Newport City Council has been given £300,000 by the Welsh Government to help address issues of repeat homelessness in the city through a ‘Housing First’ project.
The scheme is designed to assist those who need significant levels of support to overcome homelessness, focusing in on those with a repeat history of homelessness within a 12-month period. It will provide accommodation for 25 people.
As well as finding long-term accommodation for those involved in the scheme, it will also serve to offer them support in managing their tenancy independently.
Announcing the funding for the Newport scheme, Welsh Government minister for housing and local government, Julie James AM, said: “"Housing First can help people who have been homeless for a long time to sustain a tenancy.
"It can support people who may have severe mental illness, problems with drug and alcohol abuse, poor physical health and who may not have a wider support network.
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"We know that Housing First isn’t the right approach for everyone without a home – it needs to be part of a wider strategy focus on rapid rehousing approaches including other housing-led and supported housing approaches.
"But it does play an important role in supporting people, particularly those who have been sleeping rough for a long time, which is why we are supporting this project in Newport as part of our expanding national approach to embedding Housing First in Wales.
"The cost of supporting people while they are on the streets, in terms of health, emergency services and police budgets, far outweighs the cost of addressing their homelessness. We aim to support the most vulnerable people in Wales, and Housing First is a sound investment that can save money, as well as lives, in the long term."
Councillor Debbie Wilcox, leader of Newport City Council, added: "The council welcomes the funding to develop the Housing First approach as part of our holistic approach to tackle and alleviate homelessness within the city.