Shadow cabinet reshuffle announced

National and devolved politics


Shadow cabinet reshuffle announced

Labour leader Ed Miliband has reshuffled his shadow cabinet, following the resignation of Peter Hain, but has not brought back figures like Alistair Darling, David Miliband or Alan Johnson.

Liam Byrne, the work and pensions spokesman, is no longer in charge of the party’s policy review – some say Labour MPs are not happy with his work so far, others just that he had too much on his plate. Jon Cruddas, who is identified with the left of the party, is now running the review.

Andrew Adonis, the former transport secretary credited with getting cross-party consensus on HS2, will advise the review on industrial strategy.

Owen Smith has replaced Hain as shadow Welsh secretary, while Tom Harris, who was sacked from the Government in 2008, has been named a junior environment spokesman. He replaces Fiona O’Donnell.

Angela Eagle will become the National Policy Forum’s new chair, if approved.

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