Re-using empty housing in Gloucester
Gloucester council is launching a campaign to bring empty homes back into use, to help people struggling to find housing.
The council will work closely with registered social landlords, such as Chapter 1, to carry out repairs, renovations and conversions on suitable properties to provide extra homes. The council will also be able to nominate tenants.
Cllr Colin Organ, cabinet member for housing, health and leisure, said: “Neglected empty homes can give problems to both neighbours and neighbourhoods. We are committed to finding solutions by working with the owners.
“This is a great way of engaging with landlords and getting more social housing. Chapter 1 will invest in the properties and bring them up to the right standards and the rental income goes partly to the owner and partly to Chapter 1 for them to re-invest in other properties.
“Schemes like this show how we need to have a dual approach to some of the issues that need to be tackled as we work towards transforming our city.”
Rachel Sanders, operations director of Chapter, said: “At Chapter 1 we believe in changing lives one by one, and having a home to call your own is a vital step towards a better quality of life. It’s the springboard for getting back into employment, education and training, and above all to engaging with the local community.”
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