New Economy to help support local government redesign
Think tank New Economy has been appointed by the DCLG to help support local authorities looking to redesign their public services while generating cost savings.
The package of support will centre upon councils that are planning to bid for the next round of the government’s Transformation Challenge Award, a fund which is available to help ‘re-engineer business practices and redesign service delivery’.
New Economy was selected on the back of its successful Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) framework, an economic toolkit – endorsed by the government – that allows councils to measure value for money and economic and social impacts, when evaluating public service proposals.
The CBA project team will now help other local authorities that are bidding for the Transformation Challenge Award to establish tailored, individualised plans, to support public service transformation.
Mike Emmerich, chief executive of New Economy, said: “For some time, a new system has been required to respond to the many complexities of public service reform; which is why I’m delighted that government has recognised Manchester’s CBA methodology is meeting these needs.
“The CBA framework has been borne out of a mature approach to reforming services and it shows how local authorities can adopt better practices to take more control of spending in their areas.”
(Image: c. Joe Mott)
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