Mayor Andy Burnham and Sir Richard Leese Covid-19 update
Mayor Andy Burnham hosted a live, virtual press conference today to provide updates on Greater Manchester’s response to the coronavirus.
During the video he announced that Metrolink services would be reduced as passenger numbers fall to below 10%, with 20-minute intervals in between as less people are leaving the house.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is still a ‘major concern’ despite some progress of a shipment delivery which arrived on Saturday night (Mar 28) and later said that they “are working hard to try and identify suppliers of protective equipment.”
He was joined by Leader of Manchester City Council, Sir Richard Leese, also the region’s health lead, who updated us on the health side.
Sir Leese said the ‘enormous shortage of testing’ for health and social care professionals is still a real concern and Universities across Greater Manchester are pitching in to try and increase testing capability through staffing and equipment mobilisation.
He also confirmed that in response to the increase in cases, the G-MEX hospital, with a 500-bed capacity, will be ‘up and running’ by April 12.
A third of Greater Manchester hospitals beds are currently being taken up by coronavirus patients as diagnosed cases rose to 901 as of yesterday. The new hospital will be used as a ‘step down’ facility, to free up capacity and not for Intensive Care Units.
Sir Leese was unable to put a specific number on how many ventilators were available in Greater Manchester but did say that out of over 400 people in hospital for the virus, only 31 were currently using ventilators.
Following the Mayor’s efforts to eliminate homelessness, it was stated that all homeless people had been offered a hotel room during this period and individuals were currently in the process of being matched.
Mayor Burnham believes these efforts must be carried forward long after the crisis is over to create a ‘positive legacy’ when it comes to homelessness, saying “If we can do this in difficult times, why can’t we do it when things are easier?”
The videos, which air on Wednesdays, aim to fill in any areas of ambiguity from central government’s daily updates.
According to the Mayor, Greater Manchester is in a ‘good state of preparedness’ to deal with the weeks ahead and took time to thank NHS staff, and the public and private sector for their efforts.
Photo: Manchester G-MEX