Liverpool seeks housing partner to build 2,500 homes
An official housing partner for Liverpool City Council could help to deliver 1,500 new homes and bring a further 1,000 properties back into use.
The Mayor of Liverpool has announced a bidding event on July 1 to let public and private organisations know about the plans. The partnership will run from 2014-19 and the council will consider an extension for a further five years.
It will include economic development projects that complement the housing delivered and will prioritise the creation and safeguarding of jobs for local people. Proposals which require the council to underwrite investment will be rejected.
Mayor Joe Anderson said: “I promised to build 5,000 new homes in Liverpool by 2016. We’re already building 2,500 of them. We want everyone in Liverpool to have access to a decent home, and that’s why improving our housing stock is one of my top priorities. To achieve this, it’s vital that we work creatively with other organisations from the public and private sector.
“This partnership will help us build on the fantastic progress we are making in housing in this city, unlocking new investment opportunities, and allowing us to pool resources and expertise. This is about improving the lives of thousands of local people, so we are only looking for organisations with a real commitment to housing regeneration – and the track record to back it up.
“We want to see innovation and a market-led approach in build development and quality, to ensure the people of this city get the housing they deserve.”
Liverpool City Council’s cabinet Mmember for housing, Cllr Ann O’Byrne, said: “We continue to make great strides in housing in this city, and this new partnership will help propel our work faster and further than ever before. It’s about working in collaboration with other organisations to deliver the housing the people of this city so desperately need.
“We’re looking forward to sharing our plans with organisations and I’m confident that they will share our enthusiasm. It’s a win-win situation, because it will increase our ability to drive forward with our housing programme, while giving our partner or partners a unique opportunity to invest in one of the country’s most dynamic, forward-thinking cities.”
For more information, visit www.the-chest.org.uk/cms/cms.nsf/vHomePage/fSection?OpenDocument
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