Guardianship cases falling – HSCIC
The number of cases of guardianship are continuing to fall in England, according to new research. The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has published a report showing a 5% decrease on the previous years’ figures.
In 2011/12, 331 new cases were opened – a 31% fall on the number from 2002/03. This year there were 682 continuing cases, representing a 3% fall on the previous year. 357 cases were closed, compared to 449 last year.
Guardianship allows a local social services authority or named individual to take certain decisions on behalf on a person with a mental disorder, who is being cared for in the community.
Most of the new cases in England – 27% of them – were in the North West. The lowest number was found in the East Midlands with just ten new cases of guardianship. The number of continuing cases was also highest in the North West, with the lowest found in London.
The continued fall in cases could be due to the recent introduction of two other mental health safeguards, the HSCIC indicated, as there has been increasing use of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) and applications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
HSCIC chief executive Tim Straughan said: “Today’s report gives an important insight into the use of guardianship in protecting the interests of some of the most vulnerable in society. It will be of interest to not only those who monitor the use of the Mental Health Act and the rights of people with mental disorders, but to the public in general.
“The figures show a continuing decline in the number of guardianship cases in this country. However; when considered against other HSCIC reports about other Mental Health safeguards; it is clear that while guardianship cases have fallen, the use of Community Treatment Order and applications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards have risen.”
The report is at: www.ic.nhs.uk/pubs/guardianmh12
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