Government launches Digital Marketplace buyer and supplier events
The Government Digital Service and the Crown Commercial Service, working with techUK, are running a series of Digital Marketplace buyer and supplier events.
The 14 free nationwide events in seven different cities in August and September will raise awareness of the Digital Marketplace, educate buyers in the public sector on how to find what they need, teach suppliers how to sell to government, and answer any questions.
Supplier events will promote the upcoming developments of the Digital Marketplace such as the redesign of the Digital Services Framework and the changes planned for G-Cloud 7. Buyer events, exclusively for public sector representatives and local and central government, will give attendees practical guidance on using the Digital Marketplace.
Naureen Khan, associate director for central government at techUK, said: “To meet the government’s commitment to open up the market to a wider supply base and deliver on Matthew Hancock’s vision of a tech-savvy civil service that is using the best and most innovative technology, it’s vital that both buyers and suppliers around the UK have the opportunity to come together to learn about the best way to buy and sell using the Digital Marketplace.
“Technology has the potential to simplify government processes and make iterative improvements, to deliver the necessary wholesale transformation of our public services. Government also has a role to use its buying power to support the growth of British based tech companies.”
Attendance can be confirmed in registration links for each event.
Supplier events
13 August: London
19 August: Bristol
20 August: Cambridge
26 August: Leeds
27 August: Newcastle
2 September: Birmingham
3 September: Manchester
Buyer events
13 August: London
19 August: Bristol
20 August: Cambridge
26 August: Leeds
27 August: Newcastle
2 September: Birmingham
3 September: Manchester
Damien Venkatasamy, chair of techUK’s Public Services Board and general manager for CSC’s UK Public Sector business, contributed towards the current edition of PSE on engagement between government and industry to deliver digital by default. His article is here.