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Final accounts deadline missed by Bristol City Council

Auditor queries over Bristol City Council’s accounts are yet to be answered as the authority has missed several outstanding issues to be provided for their external progress report.

Auditor BDO said they are “continuing to work” with council officers to finalised outstanding queries and to complete their audit testing.

Clearance of outstanding issues on the audit queries tracker currently with management include: fees and charges income (evidence in relation to the completeness and existence of income around the year end), grant income, expenditure of outstanding sample items, explanations for movements in relation to housing benefit claims, and evidence to support existence of creditors.

A spokesperson for Bristol City Council said: “The council’s external auditors BDO have told the Audit Committee that due to key pieces of work that are still in progress they will not be able to finalise their inspection of the council’s accounts and produce the associated reports before the earlier reporting statutory deadline 31 July 2018.

“BDO and council officers will continue to work together to obtain the additional information they seek and hope to be in a position to conclude the work on the 2017/18 accounts in the coming weeks.”

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Image credit: vandervelden, iStock image


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