Extra £28m announced to alleviate pressures on councils through Controlling Migration Fund
Councils across England are set to receive a further £28m to help ease pressures on local services following increased migration, from alleviating rough sleeping and community integration to targeting rogue landlords.
The funding boost, announced by communities minister Lord Bourne, brings the total investment into the Controlling Migration Fund to over £100m.
The funding will be allocated to 123 projects across England, including targeting rough sleeping, boosting community integration through English language lessons, and helping people find more settled housing, employment, training and access to medical services.
The government said the fund has already helped deliver rapid results for communities.
Lord Bourne commented: “Whether its tackling rogue landlords who exploit vulnerable migrants, helping new arrivals learn English or supporting care leavers to access education, the Controlling Migration Fund is delivering results across the country and providing services for the benefit of all.”
Councils involved include Stockport who have been funding bilingual teaching assistants, Manchester Strangeways who have been working with agencies around immigration enforcement, and Enfield and its ‘Operation Rogue Landlord’ project.
He added: “Each community is unique in the challenges it faces, but the projects we’ve funded have shown that positive change is possible when people come together and think innovatively about how to support the whole community.”