South Wales low carbon heat projects given £8m funding boost

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability


South Wales low carbon heat projects given £8m funding boost

Hundreds of homes and buildings, such as leisure centres and local council offices, across south Wales will receive low carbon energy from new heat work projects following an £8m funding boost announced by the UK Government.

The funding will develop a new system of distribution pipes taking excess heat from a central source such as energy generated from waste in Cardiff and a Combined Heat and Power plant with thermal storage facility in Bridgend. Heat from these sources will then supply public buildings within the town and city centre and can easily connect to new, lower carbon heat sources in the future.

The new networks in Bridgend and Cardiff could help hundreds of homes and buildings cut their emissions by up to 80% - equivalent to planting 7,000 trees. In Wales alone, as much as 9% of emissions come from homes and businesses.

Heat networks are a proven, cost-effective way of providing reliable low carbon heat at a fair price to consumers. The new south Wales networks will be futureproofed too, ensuring businesses and households across the region can connect to the system in years to come, furthering their ability to provide cheaper and greener energy.

The new projects form part of the UK Government’s £320m Heat Networks Investment Project, aimed at supporting the construction of heat networks across England and Wales.

The new projects are part of the UK Government’s Heat Networks Investment Project, a £320 million fund to support the construction of heat networks across England and Wales.

Minister of State for Energy and Clean Growth Kwasi Kwarteng said: “These projects in Bridgend and Cardiff will help connect as many local homes and businesses as possible to low-carbon affordable heating, helping people save money on energy bills.

“By connecting public buildings up to heat networks, councils and leisure centres can reinvest the money saved on energy bills into frontline services in a way that achieves our goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Secretary of State for Wales Simon Hart said: “Heat networks form an important part of the UK Government’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and cut heating bills for consumers.

“This £8 million investment will help heat hundreds of homes and buildings using cheaper, greener energy across Bridgend and Cardiff. It also marks another step forward for our ambitious Clean Growth Strategy and moves us closer to our target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.”


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