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£60m in Scotland Mental Health funding allocated

In September last year, the Scottish Government announced over £60m investment into additional school counselling across Scotland.

It has been announced today (Nov 26) that an agreement has been reached between the Scottish Government and COSLA on the specific allocation of the £60m over four years.

Professional counselling services will be offered to all pupils who require it in secondary schools by next September.

Current counselling services will continue to be delivered and Pupil Equity or Scottish Attainment funding will continue, allowing local authorities to redistribute those funds to other areas in need.

Not only will counsellors be available to support young people’s emotional, behavioural and mental health at school but they will also have access to them during the school holidays providing a joined up, continuous service of care to the most vulnerable students.

The £60m will be split across Local Authorities in Scotland with £12m in 2019/20, £16m in 2020/21, £16m in 2021/22 and £16m in 2022/23.

The areas with the highest funding will be Glasgow City, Highland, Fife, North Lanarkshire and Edinburgh City.

Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey said:

“Children and young people can face many issues growing up and must have the right support available at the right time.

“Providing every secondary school with access to at least one counsellor by next year is a significant step forward in our package of measures to improve the mental health support available for children and young people.”


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