

Warwick District Council announces £3m climate emergency action plan

Warwick District Council have announced their action plan to combat climate change and become carbon neutral by 2025.

This announcement comes after cross party Councillors unanimously decided to declare a climate emergency in the summer of 2019. Since then, the council has drawn up plans to tackle the climate emergency.

The council intends to gather £3m per year, for a ring-fenced Climate Action Fund, by increasing council tax slightly. The plans mean B and D band properties will pay an extra £1 per week, meaning an increase of £52 per year.

It is claimed that this climate action will help local residents by reducing congestion and improving air quality across the region through better transport options. They will also be making houses more energy efficient and enhancing the natural world by planting more trees and improving wildlife habitats.

Warwick District Council will support local businesses by partnering with them to advise and encourage them to become more environmentally friendly.

As well as the council itself aiming to be carbon neutral within the next 5 years, it is also aiming for the region to become carbon neutral by 2030.

The council plans to hold a meeting later this month on whether they should hold a referendum in May regarding the increase in council tax.


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