

Review set to look into serious and organised crime

The government have announced a review is being implemented to look into ways of boosting the response to threats such as county lines, people trafficking and drugs.

The review, the first of its kind to be carried out, will be led by Sir Craig Mackey QPM, former deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, with support from stakeholders and advisors from law enforcement and national security.

According to the National Crime Agency (NCA), which is the main law enforcement agency for tackling this threat, there are more than 4, 500 serious and organized crime groups in the UK and this type of crime costs the economy as estimated £37 billion a year.

The review will also look into the powders, capabilities, governance and funding needed to overcome today’s threats across law enforcement and the justice system in England and Wales, including NCA, local police forces and regional organised crime units.

In Spring 2020, the review will be delivered to Brandon Lewis, Minister for Security. His recommendations will cover the status, roles and responsibilities of the NCA, regional organised crime units, and other national agencies pursuing serious criminality, along with local police forces in England and Wales, to ensure they have the right governance, support and legal powers to deliver their missions.

A total of £90 million was allocated from the police funding settlement over the course of 2019-20 to build capabilities at national, regional and local levels to tackle serious and organsied crime. An additional £30m of new funding is helping to tackle child sexual exploitation. Meanwhile 20, 000 new police officers are being recruited to help make out streets safer.

Home Security Priti Patel said: “This review will help strengthen our response to these sickening crimes, building on the existing success of the NCA.

The threat is growing, and offenders are becoming more sophisticated. Serious and organsied criminals exploit children and ruthlessly target the most vulnerable in our society, ruining lives and blighting communities.

We are committed to tackling crime and keeping our streets safe and I’m glad Sir Craig will bring his significant expertise and experience to this review, which will help ensure our system is fit for the modern world.”



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