

Birmingham council reveals ICT partnership to deliver £43m savings

A new partnership proposal that is expected to yield £43m worth of savings by 2020-21 for Birmingham City Council has been revealed.

Plans that are due to go to the council’s cabinet on June 27 will keep core service contracts in place until 2021 and will focus on implementing the council’s ICT and Digital strategy 2016-21.

The partnership will deliver a mix of core services which are provided under Service Birmingham and also additional project-based work to enable additional savings to be delivered over the next four years.

Cllr Ian Ward, deputy leader of the city council, said: “As is widely known, the shape and objectives of the council are changing due a wide range of factors including reduced funding for local government, changes in population profile and an ever-altering technological landscape.”

He added that the authority’s ICT and Digital service needed to support and lead in achieving these objectives, whilst also providing flexibility, added value and having the ability to continue delivering a ‘day-to-day’ service whilst making this transition.

The council, working alongside its partner Capita, stated that greater flexibility was needed to implement the ICT and Digital Strategy, and this new way of working will allow both parties to deliver savings and develop innovative solutions to support the council’s future business models.

The move will also be welcomed as an astute solution for the council, who admitted that financial challenges facing the authority would “remain difficult” over the next year.

 “This deal will see the council gradually take more control of its ICT and Digital strategy over the next four years,” said Cllr Ward.

“Through these negotiations we have been able to secure the savings we need to protect frontline services and start the ball rolling on the process that will enable us to meet the challenges of the future.”



Peter Andrews   25/06/2017 at 21:03

If this reduction in scope of the Capita contract can save £43 million in just 4 years - without the wheels falling off - have we been monumentally fleeced all these years?

Den   26/06/2017 at 11:50

Yes - its Crapita, remember? This also means that savings could be at least doubled, as the proverbial wheels will fall off anyway, like they did during the "uber fleecing" years

Andrew   20/07/2017 at 16:27

Capita again! They have already stolen so much money from BCC through over-invoicing and are now back again. Why do you reproduce these PR articles?

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