Energy Efficiency and Sustainability


LGA: ‘Air pollution is a major public health issue’

The Local Government Association (LGA) has called on Government to continue to support councils to invest in long-term measures in order to tackle the issue of air pollution, following analysis by the Office for National Statistics into links between air pollution and Covid-19.

According to Cllr Darren Rodwell, Transport Spokesperson for the LGA, the ONS analysis measuring the link between long-term exposure to dirty air and Covid-19 deaths in England demonstrated the importance of Government support and investment, alongside councils, into measures to reduce harmful transport emissions – such as further introduction and promotion of cycling and walking infrastructure.

Cllr Rodwell said: “Air pollution is a major public health issue that councils want to work with government to tackle.

“The temporary reductions in emissions being seen at the moment provides us with some unique insight into what might be possible for future air quality in our communities.

“Councils are demonstrating to government why they are a key part of the solution in reducing air pollution, by introducing Clean Air Zones, encouraging the use of electric vehicles with recharging points and promoting cycling.

“This analysis shows why it is vital the Government continues to supports councils to invest in long-term measures to reduce harmful transport emissions such as cycling and walking infrastructure. The forthcoming Spending Review should commit to long-term funding for public transport as well as electric vehicles.”


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