Service transformation


The Centre for Public Service Partnerships and the Local Government Information Unit are joining forces

CPSP is moving from the University of Birmingham, to join with the LGiU as a social enterprise. John Tizard will remain Director of CPSP, which will be known as CPSP @ LGiU to reflect the new partnership.

In a joint statement, Sawford and Tizard said the decision to join forces is “the result of recent discussions about a partnership that will create value through a fusion of reputation, ideas, capacity and networks”.

CPSP@LGiU will work with and across local and central government, the NHS, education and the wider public sector.

John Tizard, Director of the newly formed CPSP@LGiU said: “The Centre for Public Service Partnerships has achieved a great deal in its two year life at the University of Birmingham. We have worked with a range of public sector, business, trade union and third sector partners to help them to make a difference. This exciting partnership with LGiU provides an unique opportunity to extend our work with the policy and practice communities as well as to undertake objective research.

The LGiU and CPSP agendas are complementary and the synergies are strong. We will address key challenges facing public services, their users, commissioners and providers. We will be concerned with localism and the central-local relationship too. These issues are fundamental to modern public services.

I am confident that we will grow in our activities and influence. I am delighted to be joining forces with colleagues at LGiU to work with them and their partners; and be part of the LGiU journey.”

Andy Sawford, Chief Executive of the LGiU said: “The LGiU is on a journey to become the leading thinktank in the UK. Over the past two years we have grown participation by local councils, at the same time as broadening our work with other public service providers and partners, including the business community. Our policy work, in areas ranging from climate change to criminal justice has led to us being voted ‘thinktank of the year’ and we are keen to continue our journey, growing our reputation, innovation and influence, with new ventures. The launch of CPSP@LGiU is a real coup for the LGiU. We highly rate the work of John Tizard and his colleagues and are delighted to form a new partnership that we believe will add greatly to the work of both organisations”

The partnership will be live from January 2010 when CPSP will relocate to the LGiU’s Euston offices to work alongside the LGiU team. CPSP@LGiU will be a established as a not for profit social enterprise company under the LGiU umbrella. CPSP will continue with key projects, such as a leading role in developing Total Place, and new service commissioning and delivery models.

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